Step 1: Filing an insurance claim
Experiencing any kind of damage to your home can be very stressful. Once you have made sure everyone is safe and taken care of, the first step towards home restoration is filing an insurance claim.
It is important to file your insurance claim right away and take the necessary steps to prevent further damage. If it is after hours, your insurance carrier will have an emergency claims contact number that you can call to file your claim anytime.
Check out our guide for preparing to file your insurance claim.

Taking the necessary steps to prevent further damage is a part of your “contractual obligation” as the insured. This means that it is expected of you, based on your insurance policy, to do what you can to prevent further damage. For a fire loss this can mean boarding up and securing the openings in the structure, protecting the origin of the fire, and removing valuables.
Our job, as a 24/7 Emergency Service Provider, is to be available for you in the case of disasters like these. We can take care boarding up and securing your home and guide you towards the next steps.
Regardless of who you call to help, it is important to take the necessary steps to minimize damage, file a claim at the time of the loss, and take care of yourself and your family during the stressful time.